Children’s Series

A Children’s Story Series based on the Fruit of the Spirit, narrated by Yolène using daily experiences of children

For many years Yolène had the desire to tell children what Jesus can do for them. To illustrate this Yolène took the nine aspects of the Fruit of the Spirit to teach us about life.

With lively narrations, catchy songs and using daily experiences of children, accompanied by a children’s choir she communicates how we can transform our character weaknesses and how to make them similar to the character of Jesus Christ.

With the 9 books and CD’s you can listen to the music, enjoy the drawings and learn how to transform our weaknesses into strengths.


  • Narrator: Yolène 
  • Vocalists: Yolène, Leslie Wijesinghe, Núria Martín, Loida y Dámaris Batallé (Amor, Gozo, Paz, Paciencia), Joel y Miqueas Forster (Amor, Gozo, Paz, Paciencia), Mikael Wijesinghe (Amabilidad, Bondad), Ester Clemente (Amabilidad, Bondad, Fidelidad, Humildad, Dominio Propio)
  • Cast: Dani: Leslie Wijesinghe; Marcos: Mikael Wijesinghe; Ana: Núria Martín; Madre de Dani: Ester Clemente; Padre de Dani: Francisco Martín; Madre de Ana: Luisa Rico; Padre de Ana: José Batallé; Señorita Marta: Francesca Marín;
  • Musical arrangements, Sound Technician: Graham Craven y Mikael Wijesinghe (Amabilidad y Bondad)
  • Producer: Neel Wijesinghe
  • Recorded at: Estudio Rhema, E-17476 Arenys d’Empordà, Girona, Spain
  • Cartoonist: Luisa Rico
  • Graphic design: Neel Wijesinghe
  • Yolène’s Photo: Javier Clariana

Audio Clips Serie Infantil

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